Dear friends:

The annual conference of the Chinese Association for Science and Technology in Utah (CAST-UT) will be held on January 16, 2016 at Fort Douglas Ballroom of the University Guest House (110 South Fort Douglas Blvd, Building 801, Salt Lake City, Utah).

The theme of this year’s annual conference is “Technology Development and Innovation”. The keynote speaker is Wendy W. Chapman, Ph.D., Professor and Chair, Department of Biomedical Informatics, University of Utah; and Elected Fellow, American College of Medical Informatics. The symposium is planned as fourparallel sessions in the afternoon, including Health Information Technology, Energy and Environmental Sciences, Medical Science and Entrepreneurship and Business Development. In addition, CAST-UT will continue to award Outstanding High School Students Scholarship.

CAST-UT is a nonprofit organization dedicated to promote mutual understanding, communication and collaboration between US and China. It also provides various services to the local Chinese communities in the U.S. The annual conference is one of the most important events of CAST-UT and has been pulling in more and more organizations, business associates and professionals in all areas. Attendees were from universities, enterprises, and governments of both U.S. and China.

Online Registration has already started, and the registration fee is half of that onsite before Jan 10 2016. For more details please visit our website at We look forward to seeing you at the conference on January 16th, 2016!


Rujie Sun, PhD
CAST-UT President


中国旅美科技协会犹他分会(CAST-UT)2016年年会将于2016年1月16日下午两点到晚上九点半在犹他大学迎宾馆的道格拉斯堡宴会厅举行(110 South Fort Douglas Blvd. Building 801, Salt Lake City, Utah)。

本届年会主题是“技术发展与创新”。和往年一样,年会将由晚宴和专题研讨会组成。今年我们很荣幸邀请到犹他大学生物医学信息学系主任、美国医学信息学院会士Wendy Chapman博士在晚宴上做主题演讲。四个专题研讨会在下午平行举行,包括医疗健康信息技术、能源与环境科学、医学科学以及创业与商业发展。大会将继续给优秀高中生颁发奖学金。



孙儒杰 博士
旅美科协犹他分会 会长

中国旅美科技协会犹他分会(CAST – UT)是在美国犹他州注册的非政治性、非赢利性的机构。CAST – UT 的宗旨是:促进中美之间文化、科技、教育、经贸等领域的合作与发展;弘扬中国传统文化,促进中美两国人民的相互了解;促进旅美学人、华人专业人士之间的团结、合作与交流,以便更好地服务华人社区。 (

CAST-UT 19th Annual Conference v1