The Chinese Association for Science and Technology in Utah (CAST-UT) was founded in Salt Lake City in 1996. Registered in Utah, it is a non-political and non-profit organization. CAST-UT currently have about 200 members with most of them being active in the  fields of culture, business & trade, and science & technology and employed as mid- to high-level management personnel or science and research professionals in known US companies, local businesses, or higher-ed organizations. CAST-UT is the largest and most active Chinese organization in Utah.

In recent years, CAST-UT actively participated in exchange activities with China in biomedicine, medical hygiene, information technology, energy material, and environmental protection. Members of CAST-UT participated in investment-attraction and personnel-recruitment activities organized by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei Provinces and Chongqing City, respectively. CAST-UT hosted government or civil delegations from China’s National Oversea Chinese Affairs Office, Guangzhou City Government, Shunyi District of Beijing, Investment Marketing Department of Shenzhen City, Daxing Biomedical Production Base of Zhongguancun Science and Research Park, and Chongqing Medical University, respectively.

Major community events CAST-UT organizes or participates in organizing include the annual conference of CAST-UT, educational seminars for Chinese in Utah, Salt Lake City Chinese Culture Festival, Summer Camping, Utah Chinese New Year Celebration Party. In addition, CAST-UT also organize or participate in organizing many other community events when needed, such as the anti-separation-of-Tibet-from-China rally, Beijing Olympics celebration performances, and fund raiser for victims of the Sichuan earthquake in 2008 and China’s 60th Birthday Celebration Performances and fund raiser for victims of Taiwan flood in 2009.




犹他科协每年组织或参与组织的主要社区活动包括犹他科协年会、面向华人同胞的各项讲座、盐湖城中国文化节、犹他州华人社区春节联欢晚会、面向美国当地民众开放的庆祝春节活动,以及夏天的露营活动、会员活动等。此外,按照需要,犹他科协还参与组织许多其他的社区活动,如2008年的反藏独游行、欢庆2008北京奥运文艺演出、国庆六十周年犹他华人联欢晚会,为汶川“5.12”地震受难者募捐,为台湾 “8.8”水灾捐款活动、为玉树地震募捐活动并亲自送善款到灾区等。


(updated in 2012)