Become a Member 成为会员

CAST-UT Qulification 成为犹他科协会员的要求
Ethnic Chinese, who have studied, worked in Utah and who agrees with the mission of CAST-UT are welcome to apply for membership. The Board of Directors of CAST-UT will review and approve the membership after receiving the application and membership fee. 在犹他州学习或工作过的华裔,只要同意CAST-UT的使命(见协会章程),都欢迎申请会员资格。 CAST-UT理事会在收到申请和会员申请费后,将审核并批准会员资格。

CAST-UT Membership types  会员类型

– 终身会员 (Lifetime Members)
– 普通会员 (Regular Members)
– 学生会员 (Student Members)

Lifetime fee $300; annual fee: regular member $25; family member $40 for a couple; student member $15

终身会员在其注册成为终身会员时需一次性交纳$300会费(经理事会讨论已决定提高终身会员费到$300),永不需要再交会费。普通会员每年需要交纳$25会费,会员配偶或某个家庭成员同时加入共交纳$40会费。学生会员每年只需要交纳$15会费。有效会员期为从交纳会费起至下次年会。学生会员在交会费时必须是全日制大学生或研究生。按CAST-UT惯例,凡年会之前三个月内交纳过会费的,其会费可算在下一年名下, 其有效会员期为从缴纳会费之日起至第二次年会。

CAST-UT Member benefits 会员福利

CAST-UT Membership: paper application 会员申请表格
To become a member of CAST-UT, simply follow these simple steps 请按照一下步骤申请新会员:

  • Download the CAST-UT membership application form (click HERE) 点击下载会员申请表
  • Use Adobe Acrobat reader to open the file and print it 打印申请表
  • Fill the form and mail it with the annual membership fee payable to CAST-UT to the following address: CAST-UT, 307 East 5935 South, Salt Lake City UT 84121

CAST-UT Membership: online application 会员在线申请

点击链接注册:Please click HERE to register.

PS. 另协会年会时还接受企业会员或团体会员(Corporate member)申请,年费$300。暂行规定(解释权在理事会):团体会员可以指派两名个人作为代表,享有与其他个人会员拥有相同的权利和义务。团体会员可以在协会网站上显示logo。另外,每月可以通过协会的网站、会员邮件列表、微信公众号以及微信群等资源进行一次商业推广。其他详情请见每年的年会通知。